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Why use roboquant

Developing and running algo-trading software is not an easy task at all. You already need additional skills, and on top of that, there is a lot of complexity involved that isn’t perhaps clear from the beginning.

So it makes sense to separate the logic that is common to all automated trading strategies from the logic that is specific to your strategy.

Main components

Perhaps the most important part of using roboquant is to understand the sequence of steps and the responsibility each component has in this flow. The following diagram provides a logical overview of the main components and the data they produce and consume.

main flow simplified

The role and responsibilities of the components are as follows:

  • Roboquant

    The engine of the platform that performs the actual run and orchestrates the interaction between the components. The engine supports all 4 stages of developing a trading strategy with minimal changes to your code. This is also the only component that is a concrete class and not an interface and not designed to be swapped out for a custom implementation.

  • Feed

    Provides the data needed for testing and trading. The data is provided in the form of events. A feed can represent both historic and live data and is not restricted to pricing information only.

  • Strategy

    Receives the event and generates zero or more signals. A Signal is a Rating for a certain asset, like a BUY rating for Tesla. So the strategy doesn’t create orders; that is the responsibility of the next component, the policy.

  • Policy

    Receives the generated signals and creates the actual orders. If you need to create orders that are not based on signals, this is also the place to do so. For example, to re-balance your positions at regular intervals.

    Check out features to understand why it makes sense to separate this from your strategy logic.

  • Broker

    Receives the newly created orders by the policy and processes them. Any open orders received in previous steps will also be processed until they are closed. After the processing of the orders, it will return an updated account that reflects the latest state.

  • Metric

    Receives the latest state of the account and calculates various metrics that are of interest to determine the progress and results of the run so far. These results are then handed over to the MetricsLogger that will store and/or log the metric values, so you can inspect them at a later time.

Main steps

Developing a new strategy and validating it with a back-test is a straightforward process. The code snippet below shows the different steps that you have to take to develop and run your strategy.

class MyStrategy : Strategy { (1)
    override fun generate(event: Event): List<Signal> {
        TODO() // Your code goes here

val strategy = MyStrategy() (2)
val metric = AccountMetric() (3)
val roboquant = Roboquant(strategy, metric) (4)

val feed = CSVFeed("./data/stocks") (5) (6)
1 Develop a new strategy based on some ideas you have. This can be done either from scratch or by assembling existing building blocks. In many cases, this is the only real software development required. See also Strategy for more details.
2 Create an instance of your strategy.
3 Instantiate the metrics you want to use to evaluate the performance of your strategy.
4 Create an instance of Roboquant (the engine) with the strategy and metric(s) as parameters to the constructor.
5 Pick the data feed you want to use to test your strategy.
6 Run the back test using the data feed you just created.

The roboquant platform is very flexible and provides many more options than the above example shows. You can easily change almost any aspect of the platform if the default behavior doesn’t suit your needs.

This might mean that the learning curve is a steeper than some simpler platforms. But in our experience, this is required to be able to develop robust automated trading solutions.